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Magnetic Pen

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Bio-Magnet therapy NeuroPoint Magnetic Pen

Chinese culture

Bio-Magnetic Therapy has been used in China, at least 2000 years back in time. The Chinese culture used small pieces of magnet to put on the body.


Since the 1950s, several Japanese studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of magnetic therapy in the treatment of various conditions.


Dr. Isaac Gioz Duran, a physician in medicine and surgery from the University of Mexico in 1988, has also researched biomagnetic therapy.

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Today, Magnetic Therapy is built on scientific research into the positive impact of magnetic fields on the body's functions.

How Bio-Magnetic Therapy Works

Bio-Magnetic Therapy has an effect on the body's cells, and helps to create balance.
The blood cells and particles from the same nervous and meridian system tend to clump together. The magnetic effect causes particles to separate and thereby blood, nerve and meridian impulses flow faster and easier through the body's systems. Thus we get oxygen supplied and the waste substances are transported and eliminated from the body.
This process of detox also helps to promote health and create balance in the body.
It can feel like a heat or a tingling sensation in the body, and and one can experience a worsening the first few hours after a treatment.

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Bio-Magnetic Therapy is used for the following:

  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Wound healing
  • Muscle relaxing
  • Increasing blood flow and blood circulation in the body
  • Improves oxygen supply and oxygen uptake in living tissues and cells
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases detoxification and excretion of waste products
  • Rheumatism, fibromyalgia and other joint pain
  • Migraine and tension headaches
  • Menstrual pain

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  • Muscle tension and overworked muscles
  • Infiltrations
  • Hypertension
  • Distress in the body
  • Cold fingers and toes
  • Sleeping sensations and numbness
  • Inflammation of tendons and tissues
  • Tenitis, tennis elbow
  • Other forms of pain in the back, knees, elbows, ankles, etc.
  • Physical conditions such as stress, depression and anxiety.

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